Monday, August 24, 2020

Where Is the Diversity in America Today

The fantasy of a various America must be one of the most principal methods of reasoning on which our nation has been constructed. From the main gathering of explorers that arrived at Plymouth Rock, to the thousands that move to America consistently, they all despite everything put stock in a similar dream that the pioneers had when they came to America. The Dream that regardless of what their racial, strict, or social foundation and convictions are they can discover riches and bliss in America. This way of thinking was essential to such an extent that our Founding Fathers needed to make reference to it in the Constitution. However about two and half hundreds of years after the fact where is that assorted variety in America today? It appears that even with the number of inhabitants in America at more than 300 million today we are as yet like the principal gatherings of Pilgrims, substance to remain inside our own little gatherings. As a cognizant America we talk a decent game, anyway when we return home around evening time our inner mind dominates, and we retreat into that safe place inside our gathering. American’s ought to concede that they truly don’t care about any other person aside from themselves. They should quit imagining that they do, except if they can in reality live by the model that our cognizant psyche has us maintain. As indicated by the 2000 Census report the composite of races in America today are fundamentally 75% White, 12. 3% Black, 12. 5% Hispanic or Latino, with Native Americans and different races making up the remainder of our populace. One can see from these numbers that it would be exceptionally simple to isolate into racial gatherings and to live inside one gathering. The Columbia Encyclopedia’s unsigned paper on race which happens to be titled Race brings up how we characterize bunches carefully by our physical attributes and even contends that the term race is a wrong term; Race says that numerous physical anthropologists accept: â€Å"The term race is unseemly when applied to national, strict, geographic, semantic or ethnic gatherings, nor can the natural standards of race be likened with any psychological qualities, for example, insight, character, or character. (263). Still those social differentiations like living with your own race, having every one of your companions of a similar race and foundation, and even perhaps the individuals who are just in a similar expense section or instructive level win in our general public today, and isn't just normal for individuals to float towards a safe place that they find inside themselves and their condition? The appropriate response would need to be indeed, this implies certain social differentiations do in certainty make a difference. There is Religion in America today, which may not be seen as one of those significant elements of our social make-up as it once might have been, however when we investigate the populace numbers which purport that Christians and of different strict convictions are in the dominant part that make up Americans today; we do need to let it out plays a significant job. Presumably not as much as in Europe or in some different nations, yet Religion is a significant factor none the less. As indicated by the U. S. Evaluation Bureau we have a grown-up populace of: around 207 million, roughly 159 million are Christians, roughly 8 million in different religions, and around 29 million who put stock in some different option from a predetermined religion. With this information we can see that most of America’s social make-up is without a doubt Christian. This gives the American culture quite certain perspectives and customs. Since religion is one of those key convictions that established our nation it is anything but difficult to perceive how it turns into a main consideration in deciding how we act and live in our general public today. The realities are that your social foundation can foreordain your future. David Brooks, a senior editorial manager for The Weekly Standard and who distributes much of the time in Atlantic Monthly, Newsweek, and The New York Times, says all that needs to be said in one of his expositions People Like Us, when he says: â€Å"Human creatures are fit for drawing incredibly inconspicuous social differentiations and afterward forming their lives around them. (253). Really we shape our lives dependent on our condition and our convictions that are recognizable to us and we are raised inside. That is the reason individuals will in general remain with their own gathering dependent on the shade of their skin, strict convictions, and social foundation. We see it regularly in our cognizant life, where we go to work, school, shop, or unwind. All these are impacted by those inconspicuous social differentiations that make up our lives. Bringing these realities together, we can just presume that man is a determined being. One driven by his condition, and that just by the karma of the social financial condition they were naturally introduced to predetermines generally where they will live, work, and furthermore which religion they will decide to follow. We can nearly venture to decide the duty section into which they will fall. So when is America going to wake and understand that the best way to discover decent variety is to gone to some fair compromise with our cognizant and subliminal brain? Change that isn't to emotional, yet change none the less, is by all accounts the main answer.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Impact of the Fast Food Industry on America Essay -- health, diet,

â€Å"In twentieth-extremely old Earth, an inexpensive food chain took dead cow meat, seared it in oil, included cancer-causing agents, enclosed it by oil based froth, and sold 900 billion units. People. Go figure.† ― Dan Simmons, Hyperion Cheap food is the wellspring of weight in America and causes wellbeing and ecological issues all through the world. Worldwide impacts of the cheap food industry are appeared in the medical issues in the public arena today. The modest creation of meat and grains for the cheap food industry cause mischief to the earth, people, and creatures. The inexpensive food that is expended isn't just terrible for the soundness of individuals yet additionally for the earth. The inexpensive food industry’s broad publicizing through TV, radio, papers, boards, and supporting contact all individuals in a procedure to persuade customers that their food is solid and accessible to everybody. Cheap food menu’s depend on meat which originates from butchered creatures that are reproduced exclusively for the inexpensive food industry. These creatures give undesirable, calorie filled, and artificially adapted substance. Meat is most of all food contamination episodes because of the modest creati on strategies to get the food to the food to general society at low costs and huge segments. The cheap food industry makes individuals expend enormous segments of undesirable food that impacts all parts of life including wellbeing and natural issues that emerge from the accessibility of inexpensive food. Eating undesirable is something that is known to add to weight gain. Recognizing what to eat and what not to eat is something a great many people don't think about when halting by a drive-through eatery for an advantageous feast pressed loaded with calories. Kids, adolescents, and grown-ups are all p... ...ollution from creature reproducing and defecation. The inexpensive food industry promotes in would like to contact all individuals and picking up their faithfulness. Individuals use food as intends to remain full, go through minimal expenditure, and fulfill themselves. Youngsters and grown-ups are completely focused with low costs, snappy melodies, and children dinners. Cheap food menu’s depend on meat from creatures that are reproduced exclusively for inexpensive food ventures. Inexpensive food is unfortunate, excessively assigned, and not worth an existence of medical issues. Most customers buy meat that is most of all food contamination episodes. Eating inexpensive food is modest strategies to get at low costs and huge bits. The cheap food industry makes individuals over eat unfortunate food that impacts life of one another just as creatures and the earth. Wellbeing and ecological issues emerge from the accessibility, commercial, and creation of cheap food.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Is Virginia Woolfs THE WAVES a Beach Read

Is Virginia Woolfs THE WAVES a Beach Read V. Dubs and I In Edward Albees play Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, one of the characters sings Whos afraid of Virginia Woolf? to the tune of Whos Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Whenever I see that play or watch the movie, I want to jump to my feet and sing back, Me! I am afraid of Virginia Woolf! I have a tumultuous, reading relationship with Ms. Woolf, or V. Dubs as my college friends and I unceremoniously dubbed her while studying abroad in Bath, England. I signed up for a Virginia Woolf class envisioning that I would open my mind to an author who pioneered experimental writing, stream of consciousness, and feminist essays. The study trip to Monks House (Woolfs house and gardens) also wooed me. On the first day of class, our smartly-dressed professor walked into the room and announced that, in order to honor the work of Virginia Woolf, he planned to teach each class in an unconventional way. He began by making statements, we tried to come up with questions and ideas, and, eventually, we ended at the main idea for each lesson. I tried to write my notes backwardsâ€"starting at the bottom of the page and working my way up. It was a failure, as were my papers and class comments. The rest of the class reveled in writing papers peppered with anagrams, poems, and feminist rants. I embarrassingly longed for some structure and a bit of linear thinking. Our assigned readings were not much better. I enjoyed the accessible Mrs. Dalloway and Orlando, but balked when we started reading the more experimental The Waves and To the Lighthouse. While reading those, I pictured V. Dubs looking over my shoulder and maniacally thinking: I know who is in the scene and she does not. Im choosing not to let her make a mental picture. Only I know what goes on here. When it came time to return to the States, I sold back the books from my other classes, but decided to keep all of my Virginia Woolf books. I hoped that one day I would be free enough (tipsy enough?) to decipher and appreciate more of Woolfs oeuvre. reading The Waves with my beach chair in the waves This summer, my husband and I shipped our son off to his Grandmas house for a week of camp with his cousins. While he was away, my husband and I snuck off to the beach together. No children equals lots of beach reading. I packed five books and plucked  The Waves off of my bedside table, where it had been buried in my to-be-read pile. Once at the beach, we set up our daily camp: umbrella up, beach chairs on the edge of the surf, and a cooler loaded with IPAs and Strongbow Cider on hand. After plowing through David Sedariss new book Calypso, I gingerly decided to try The Waves. I began with The Introduction and raised my beer to the first sentence, The Waves presents a challenge to the reader. It is an exploration of the workings of the minds of the six named characters within the text: Bernard, Rhoda, Jinny, Louis, Neville, and Susan. After reading this, I felt better. Others find this book challenging! With my feet in the water and the sound of waves crashing and rolling around me, I started reading. An amazing thing happened. I stopped thinking so hard about the text and let it wash over me like the waves. The characters and the settings became clear in my mind. I found myself emotionally thinking of my own childhood and making connections to cherished books. While exploring the garden, Bernard says, Let us inhabit the underworld. Let us take possession of our secret territory, which is lit by pendant currents like candelabra. I thought of Jesse and Lesley crossing the downed tree to enter Teribithia and how my childhood neighbor and I created our own secret kingdom behind my tool shed. Later on, the characters are leaving for boarding school and Louis says, He is composed, he is easy. He swings his bag as he walks. I will follow Bernard, because he is not afraid. I thought of my own first days in at my all-girls high school, trying to emulate the girls who seemed the most confident, to mask my own awkwardness and fear of starting something new. Neville looks to the sky and says,The clouds lose tufts of whiteness as the breeze dishevels them. If that blue could stay for ever; if that hole could remain for ever; if this moment could stay for ever. I read that line and felt the same way, I wanted this moment to stay forever. I felt I owed Virginia Woolf an apology. Her books are beautiful! Those days on beach, with my feet in the water and sound of the waves the only sound I could hear, I felt Virginia Woolf opening in my eyes a thousand eyes of curiosity. Other unconventional Beach Reads Want some more suggestions for unconventional, serious beach reads? Peruse  this post about reading Bleak House and other classics on the beach!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Cause and Effect of Corruption - 1644 Words

There is a growing worldwide concern over corruption at the present time. Several factors are responsible for this. A consensus has now been reached that corruption is universal. It exists in all countries, both developed and developing, in the public and private sectors, as well as in non-profit and charitable organizations. Allegations and charges of corruption now play a more central role in politics than at any other time. Governments have fallen, careers of world renowned public figures ruined, and reputations of well-respected organizations and business firms badly tarnished on account of it. The international mass media feeds on it and scandals and improper conduct, especially of those in high places. The rising trend in the use of†¦show more content†¦Thus, price controls, subsidies and the corruption and black markets they generate, can lead to undesirable social and economic consequences. This also illustrates the point that dismantling controls, getting rid of sub sidies and preventing price distortions form a key element in economic reforms and for the establishment of a properly functioning market economy. Unfortunately, corruption places severe constraints on a country’s capacity to undertake economic reforms. The rich and the powerful, the main gainers of a corrupt system, will therefore oppose reforms. The leadership in a country has a key role to play in combating corruption. It is an Asian tradition to hold leaders and those in authority in high regard and esteem. Hence the top leadership must set a good example with respect to honesty, integrity and capacity for hard work. Since fighting corruption will involve taking difficult decisions, the leadership must also display firmness, political will and commitment to carry out the required reforms. Honest and dedicated leaders are an essential, but not a sufficient, condition to counter corruption. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on CDS Case Study - Operations Management - 3944 Words

1.0 INTRODUCTION Operations management is defined as â€Å"the activity of managing the resources which produce and deliver products and services† (Slack et al. 2010 p4). This encompasses the entire activity carried out within the organization. With increasing pressure on organizations to deliver optimally at reduced cost, the role of operations has been transformed from that of strategy implementer to one of strategy driver. Operations strategy looks at the patterns of strategic decisions and actions in a bid to set the roles, objectives and activities of the operations (Slack et al. 2010). An understanding of these strategies is important in ensuring that organizations are well aware of the requirements needed to meet the corporate†¦show more content†¦Hence, it is important to analyse the process through which market needs are aligned with operational realities, thereby ensuring that operation can deliver what it is being asked of them and that this alignment will endure over time (Zanon et al. 2013). Evidenced in CDS operations is the implementation of two of the identified perspectives; Market requirement and Operations resource perspective. 2.1 MARKET REQUIREMENT PERSPECTIVE ANALYSIS A market requirement perspective focuses on what market position requires of operations (Slack et al. 2010). Its focus is not just on the industry, but it considers where the organization intends to compete as well as the nature of competition ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­ (Lowson 2002). Hill (1985), suggested that to win orders in the market place, organizations operations strategy and the marketing strategy need to be in sync. CDS Marketing function identified a trend that seems to have worked for retailers in the decorative product industry. They realised the importance of fashion trends and its appeal to people. This market requirement led to the creation of a whole new industry. The need for premium, high quality household product characterised by the many different colour range became a market qualifying criteria that drove marketing’s strategy. This strategy was in line with the overallShow MoreRelatedOperations Management in Cds747 Words   |  3 PagesQuestion: Why is operatio ns management important in CDS? Answer: Reason of existence of any organization is its production ability, service providing ability. 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Defining Financial Terms and Role in Finance Free Essays

Defining Financial Terms and Role in Finance University of Phoenix FIN 370/ Finance for Business November 10, 2010 Defining Financial Terms and Role in Finance The following paragraphs contain financial terms and their role in finance. The terms are finance, efficient market, primary market, secondary market, risk, security, stock, bond, capital, debt, yield, rate of return, return on investment, and cash flow. The fourteen terms all have an important relationship in the world of business. We will write a custom essay sample on Defining Financial Terms and Role in Finance or any similar topic only for you Order Now The first term is finance. Finance is managing money or supplying funds to provide a resource. A bank or loan company is a source of finance because they both provide cash. Cash is the resource that one needs to survive or make a purchase. For instance, when a customer walks into a car dealership and is ready to buy a car, the salesperson draws up the paperwork and two items are in need. The first item is cash and the second is the search for a finance company to finance the car. The role of finance in this example is the customer can provide the cash to make the purchase and the finance company can supply the funds and terms of agreement to help the owner purchase the car. The second term is efficient market. Efficient market is a hypothesis that prices prevail in the market is always fair. Its role in finance according to EMH is no one can make high return without buying riskier investment as market prices are always fair. The third term is primary market. Primary market is when securities, stocks and bonds, are offered to potential investors for the first time.Companies like Verizon or AT amp; T can issue or sell securities directly to an investor. The primary market role in finance is to allow the potential investor to buy from the company and not other investors to increase the stock. The fourth term is secondary market. Secondary market is opposite of primary because it allows the investor to buy stocks and bonds from each other rather than the original company. The role of finance in secondary market is its affect on price. The price is more or less than the issue price of the original company. The fifth term is risk.Risk is the uncertainty or chance of a difference in the actual return earned on investment and the expected return earned on the investment. There are three types of risk: market, credit, and operational. The company return on an investment depends on which risk the company took. For example, people and companies take risk sometimes when they make a financial investment or provide equipment and supplies for an opportunity to receive a high return on their investment. The role of finance for a risk is the uncertainty if they will receive payment for their investment.The higher the risk means the higher the return. The lower the risk means the lower the return. The next three terms have a correlation. The terms are security, stock, and bond. Security in finance is the relationship and representation of stocks and bonds. Some securities are interest and dividend based. Common and preferred stock, bonds, notes, debenture, and option are some examples of securities. A stock represents ownership in a business, has face value, and may not carry a maturity date. A stock’s role in finance is as follows. Common stock has no fixed rate of dividend and has voting rights. Preferred stock has a fixed rate of dividend and no voting rights and preferred are the two types of stock. A bond is the last term of correlation. A bond is a fixed income security. A bond is a debt with interest, a maturity, mode of payment, and a principal. A bond’s role in finance is that it can be issued as a long term debt and requires the company to pay on the interest even if they made a loss in profit or not. Capital is the amount of money an owner has invested in his or her business. The role of capital in finance is simple. A sole proprietor has a single investment.A partnership has multiple investments and a corporation’s amount of investment is shared by the stockholders. The capital has different amounts of investment in all three forms of businesses. In accounting, a debt is a liability to be paid back in terms to the source of finance. It can be long or short term. A debt’s role in finance is that is an expense to a company that has interest payable. Rate of returned based on market price is called yield. For example, if an investor has bought shares of $10 par and company declares dividend of 10% in cash and still the market is at par.IT means that yield earned on share is equal to dividend declared. Now if market price is different from par, say it is $20, now dividend declared is same but dividend yield is 5%. Any profit or loss that has been made for a specified period on investment is called the profit or loss in $ on your investment and when it is converted into percentage it is called rate of return. If a person invests $10,000 in January and in December it increases to $12,000, then the terms of investment for the year is $2,000. The rate of return is 20% per annum because (2000/10000)*100=20%.Return on investment is the profit or loss made on the investment. Return on investment is similar to rate of return and is a ratio that describes the company’s measurement of profit. For example, Tree and Rocks Company has profit after tax for year equal to $130 million and total assets are $1300 million, it means return on investment is 10%. Cash Flow is revenue received and paid in cash. The cash flow statement shows the cash inflows and outflows in real terms of a business. Operating, investing, and financing activities are three categories on a cash flow statement.The three categories and their role in finance are detrimental to the company. The revenue and expenses incurred during a specified time period are entered in the operating activities. Buying and selling of fixed assets and other investments are entered in the investing activities. Long term debt, issuance of common and preferred stock is entered in the financing activities. The thirteen terms defined in the earlier paragraphs have a specific role in finance. The terms and their roles surround everyone in some situation every day.It is important to know the above terms and how they relate to one another in this course.Reference Keown, A. J. , Martin, J. D. , Petty, J. W. , amp; Scott, D. F. (2005). Financial Management: Principles and applications (10th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Mayo, H. B. (2007). Basic finance: An introduction to financial institutions, investments, and management (9th ed. ). Mason, OH: Thomson. Sulock, J. M. , amp; Dunkelberg, J. (1997). Cases in financial management (2nd ed. ). New York: John Wiley amp; Sons. How to cite Defining Financial Terms and Role in Finance, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Goal of the Federally

The Goal of the Federally-Funded Exchanges The Affordable Act Care that advanced the introduction of state-owned and federally-funded exchanges aims at an improvement of the health services quality. Thus, the programs of exchanges promote the usage of highly affordable and transparent health insurance coverage models in the USA (Bachrach and Boozang 11).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on The Goal of the Federally-Funded Exchanges specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The innovation created space for a comparable insurance commutation. The Act outlined the introduction of three basic types of exchanges, which regulate the state coverage relations, the federal-facilitated insurances as well as the partnerships with them. The primary objective of the federal-funded exchanges can be revealed through the performance of several insurance functions that stipulate the efficient insurance politics. These are financial management, consumer assistance, plan management as well as eligibility and enrollment (â€Å"Federally-Facilitated Exchanges† par. 6). The CMS Intention: Matching Federally-Funded Exchanges to Clients’ Needs The strategic plan that was adopted by the Centers for Medicare and Medical Service (CMS) encompassed a number of hypotheses about the future effects of the federally-funded exchanges. Thus, the CMS suggested that all the U.S. states would run an affordable insurance policy in future. Specifically, it was claimed that the usage of FFE could help every customer in processing affordable coverage. Moreover, the service representatives argued that a competitiveness of federally-funded exchanges would ensure market parity standards. Finally, the CMS hypothesized that an innovation could promote a complex involvement of stakeholders and separate federal states into the procedure of insurance coverage decision-making (Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services 4). Therefor e, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medical Service, the promotion of FFT would match the needs of the customers and reach the desired effects through a support of health benefit standards, network adequacy, and marketing oversight. Federally-Facilitated Exchange Management The Affordable Act Care rules offer a Medicaid-driven plan of the efficient FFE management. Thus, it is suggested that the regulations of federally-facilitated exchanges have to comply with the requirements of a single statement, which ensures an equal distribution of the policy’s benefits. However, the recent reports state that the outcomes of FFE functioning yields contrastive results in different states of the USA.Advertising Looking for critical writing on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Specifically, the commercial insurers in Colorado do not experience highly competitive practices. Therefore, there remains little spac e for the promotion of Medicaid management (Holahan et al. 12). The data proves that the CMS organs did not establish the clear know-how management guidelines initially. Nevertheless, the services representatives proceed to work on the elaboration of Medicaid management systems and hypothesize that the FFE would attract 12 million beneficiaries in the next ten years (Hutchins, Samuels and Lively 73). FFE Implementation Resources The process of federal-funded exchanges implementation presupposes the existence of multiple resources such as funds, personnel, information technologies, and human resources management. According to the CMS accountancy reports, the service has initially allocated a $75 million investment for the coverage utilization procedure. Though a number of financial resources are sufficient for the complete FFE support, the individual state governments have to conduct an efficient appropriation so that to materialize the money (Thorpe and Weiser 5). Concerning the per sonnel management effectiveness, it is highly dependable on a state. Therefore, some states develop a strong network of insurance programming specialists while the others rely on the electrification of coverage control devices. Finally, the information technologies aspect encompasses digital medical databases and accounts for a successful FFE implementation. Work Cited Bachrach, Deborah and Patricia Boozang. â€Å"Federally-Facilitated Exchanges and the Continuum of State Options.† National Academy of Social Insurance 13.1 (2011): 1-44. Print. Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services. General Guidance on Federally-Facilitated Exchanges. DEST no. 6734.GHTA01A. Columbia: Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight, 2002. Print.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on The Goal of the Federally-Funded Exchanges specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Federally-Facilitated Exchanges 2013. Web. Holahan, John, Rebecca Peters, Kevin Lucia and Christine Monahan. â€Å"Cross-Cutting Issues: Insurer Participation and Competition in Health Insurance Exchanges: Early Indications from Selected States.† Urban Institute 12.1 (2013): 1-15. Print. Hutchins, Valerie, Marc Samuels and Angela Lively. â€Å"Analyzing the Affordable Care Act: Essential Health Benefits and Implications for Oncology.† Journal of Oncology Practice 9.2 (2013): 73-77. Print. Thorpe, Jane and Chris Weiser. â€Å"Medicare Quality Measurement and Reporting Programs.† Health Care Quality 11.4 (2011): 5-8. Print. This critical writing on The Goal of the Federally-Funded Exchanges was written and submitted by user Alexa U. to help you with your own studies. 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